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Sheet decoiler in coils up to 1300 mm wide

Sheet decoiler in coils up to 1300 mm wide

number: 1458
Net priceNot specified
Price is negotiableYes
Number of views2421
The offer is active for30 days

Seller Dariusz

+48 5xx-xxx-xxx


Date added

2018-04-20 15:27:04

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Decoiler parameters:
• Coil width: 1300 mm
• nner diameter of the circle: 500 mm
• Circle outer diameter: 2300 mm
• Dimensions: 3600x1400x1900 mm

The decoiler is in good technical condition, it is possible to buy the whole line.

ID: 20

Information: 603 606 292
General data
Length3600 mm
Width1400 mm
Height1900 mm