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Schuler Spiertz 50 t Z2C 50x750 stamping press

Schuler Spiertz 50 t Z2C 50x750 stamping press

number: 1679
Net priceNot specified
Price is negotiableYes
Number of views898
The offer is active for30 days

Seller Dariusz

+48 5xx-xxx-xxx


Date added

2020-04-30 11:45:04

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Manufacturer: Schuler Spiertz Type: Z2C 50x750 Serial number: 4-2800 1-3242
• Pressure: 50 t
• Slider stroke: 350 mm
• Table stroke: 280 mm
• Maximum sheet thickness: 1.5 mm
• Maximum distance from table to slider: 1400 mm
• The largest sheet diameter: 710 mm
• The largest diameter of the punch: 560 mm
• Maximum thrust depth: 250 mm
• Distance between stands: 750 mm
• Number of strokes: 8 / min
• Wheel rotation: 450 / min
• Power: 15 KW


The machine is in good technical condition.
General data
ManufacturerSchuler Spiertz
ModelZ2C 50x750
Serial Number4-2800 1-3242